This term, our Inquiry Geography/STEM unit has the Big Idea of ‘Sustainability’ and our Essential Question is: “How does the environment support the lives of people and living things?” As part of this unit, Year 4 students attended an excursion facilitated by David Ella (Aboriginal Education Officer at the Catholic Schools Office.) Students had the opportunity to investigate the following questions:
- How do different views about the environment influence approaches to sustainability?
- How can people use places and environments more sustainably?
Students came to understand:
- Why people value environments differently e.g. cultural, agricultural, commercial, recreational values.
- How custodial responsibility (including sustainable use of environments e.g. use of resources) for country/place influences Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders Peoples’ views of the environment
- How environments can be used sustainably e.g. sustainable agricultural, commercial and recreational practices
- Ways waste can be managed sustainably