
Volunteering is a wonderful way to share in your child’s school journey.  At St Cecilia’s there are four ways you can volunteer:

  1. Canteen
  2. Year Level Based Volunteering Events
  3. Social Justice Opportunities
  4. Parish Social Justice Opportunities


1.  Canteen 

During the school year, we allocate a class to each week, they are assigned to the canteen which is open Mon, Wed, Fri. By allocating class years we help rotate volunteering fairly across the school families, and makes all years accountable. Saying that, parents are welcome to grab any date they feel they can help out, allocating class years just provides a guide. Many parents like to help in the canteen on their child’s birthday for example.

Sign Up here

Guide to Signing Up via SignUpGenius (link above)

Please click on the tab of the relevant event you wish to sign up for. Within the event, select the dates or roles you wish to sign up for, and then click Sign Up.

– Choose the “I do not have a SignUpGenius account” … don’t use the Facebook option.

– Enter in your first name, last name and e-mail address

– Then click SIGN UP NOW!

If you have any questions or would like further information on volunteering, please contact Jo at scb.pf.noticeboard@gmail.com


2.  Year Level Based Volunteering Events

Events are assigned to different year groups but are open to anyone to volunteer.  Events include Welcome parties, Open Days, Swimming carnivals, Athletics carnivals, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, Grandparent’s Day, School Disco, Trivia night and the main event, the St Cecilia’s Gala Fundraiser evening.

Class Parents will liaise with all the parents via What’s App groups so make sure you are on the app.  It’s a great way to meet people in your year group and from other year groups.

3.  Social Justice Opportunities

Other, ongoing opportunities also exist e.g. Meals on Wheels and helping out in the Millie Smith Second hand uniform shop.


4.  Parish Social Justice Opportunities

People with previous cook-off experience co-ordinate a team of up to 7 people per year group to prepare meals in the kitchen at the North Harbour Parish Centre in Manly Vale.  All ingredients are ordered and delivered to the kitchen and meals are frozen for collection/distribution at a later date.

Cook-offs are usually held on Monday evenings 6pm – 9 pm or Mondays during the day 9am – 12 noon.