St Cecilia’s is first and foremost a Catholic School and, as such, the religious dimension is of primary importance. Our Catholic faith, heritage and story is evident in our Religious Education teaching/learning programs, however, it doesn’t end there.
The religious education curriculum acknowledges and supports the parents in their role as the children’s first educators in faith. The curriculum is designed to sequentially develop the student’s growth in, and understanding of, the wonder of a faith relationship with God our Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Through the curriculum the children are invited to participate in this faith relationship by learning about the history and traditions of the Catholic Church and the Scriptures. The curriculum content supports the family’s instruction in the children’s preparation for the Sacraments.
Within each of the Key Learning Areas, teaching/learning programs are developed to make explicit the Gospel values relevant to each area of study. In this way, the values of Catholic Education are taught not only in formal Religious Education lessons but also integrated within the other Key Learning Areas. At St Cecilia’s our core values have been identified as Respect, Hope, Justice, Service and Celebration.
The Student Representative Council (SRC) lead the school in a number of Social Justice initiatives throughout the year. Students from each class are elected to the SRC for a period of six months. The students discuss, suggest, promote and lead ways that the student body can contribute to the social justice initiatives of school. Our Social Justice initiatives are not just fundraisers but all have an educational element.